
25 Types of Risks in Human Resource Management

25 Types of Risks in Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRM) is the backbone of every organization, responsible for hiring, training, and retaining employees who drive business success.

However, HR professionals face numerous challenges, and the keyword risks in human resource management play a critical role in addressing these challenges. From legal issues to talent shortages, HR teams must navigate a complex landscape of potential pitfalls.

This blog will explore the various risks in human resource management and provide actionable insights for talent acquisition specialists and HR managers to mitigate these risks effectively.

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What Are The 25 Types of Risks in Human Resource Management?

Human resource management is subject to numerous risks, which, if not identified and addressed, can have detrimental impacts on both employees and the organization.
Below are 25 types of risks in human resource management that HR managers and talent acquisition specialists need to be aware of to ensure smooth business operations and employee satisfaction.

25 Types of Risks in Human Resource Management

Health and Safety
1. Deteriorating mental health
2. Workforce exhaustion
3. Non-communicable health conditions
4. Communicable health conditions
5. Work-related illness or injury

Talent Practices
6. Talent attraction, retention, and engagement
7. Conduct and culture
8. Succession and key person risk
9. Changing nature of work
10. Travel and mobility

Accelerated Digitization
11. Misalignment of HR and business strategy
12. Skills obsolescence
13. Cybersecurity
14. Data privacy
15. Obsolescent HR technologies

Environment and Social
16. Diversity, equity, and inclusion
17. Environment
18. Labor and employee relations
19. Social unrest
20. Catastrophic personal life events

Governance and Financial
21. Increasing health, risk protection, and well-being benefit costs
22. Pension financial risks
23. Administration and fiduciary
24. Legal and Compliance
25. Benefit decision-making and accountability

Each of these risks in human resource management can lead to significant organizational challenges, including legal issues, employee dissatisfaction, and loss of reputation.
By understanding and actively managing these risks, HR managers can protect their workforce while ensuring the sustainability and success of their organization.

How to Manage The Risks in Human Resource Management?

Understanding the risks in human resource management is the first step, but actively managing them is where HR managers and talent acquisition specialists can truly make a difference. Here are some strategies to minimize these risks:

Regular Compliance Audits
Conducting regular compliance audits ensures that the organization is adhering to the latest laws and regulations.
These audits should cover everything from hiring practices to employee benefits and workplace safety standards. Staying proactive will help you identify potential compliance risks before they become costly legal issues.

Implementing Skills-Based Hiring Practices
Skills-based hiring, facilitated by platforms like HirewithEve, allows organizations to focus on a candidate’s competencies rather than just educational qualifications or previous roles.
This method helps HR teams reduce talent acquisition risks by ensuring they hire candidates who possess the skills necessary to succeed in specific roles.

Fostering a Positive Work Culture
Building and maintaining a positive workplace culture is essential in managing workplace culture risks. Implement programs that promote employee engagement, diversity, and inclusion.
Regularly gathering employee feedback can also help HR teams identify areas that need improvement and address them before they escalate into more significant problems.

Leveraging HR Technology
To mitigate technological risks, HR managers should adopt secure, cloud-based platforms that offer data protection and scalability. Solutions like HirewithEve offer tools that help HR teams streamline their processes while minimizing cybersecurity risks.

Continuous Training and Development
One way to minimize retention risks is by investing in continuous training and development programs. Employees who feel that their employer is invested in their career growth are more likely to stay with the company.
Implement learning and development programs that cater to the evolving needs of your workforce.


Addressing the risks in human resource management is an ongoing process that requires vigilance, strategic planning, and the right tools. Whether it's ensuring compliance, optimizing the talent acquisition process, or building a positive workplace culture, HR managers must stay ahead of the curve.

Leveraging technology platforms like HirewithEve can assist HR teams in effectively managing these risks while improving overall efficiency.

Understanding and managing the risks in human resource management will not only protect your organization from potential setbacks but also position it for long-term success. By implementing best practices and embracing innovative solutions, talent acquisition specialists and HR managers can navigate these risks confidently and strategically.

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