
Mastering Interviewing Skills: A Guide for HR Managers

Mastering Interviewing Skills: A Guide for HR Managers

Interviewing is a pivotal opportunity to identify the best candidates who align with your company’s culture and values. However, the process is fraught with potential pitfalls, such as bias and inconsistency. This article will guide you through becoming an exceptional interviewer, emphasizing the critical qualities and practical tips to improve your interviewing skills. By mastering these techniques and leveraging tools like HirewithEve, you can enhance your hiring process, minimize biases, and make more informed, objective hiring decisions.

Table of contents

Why is Being a Good Interviewer Important?

The Qualities of a Good Interviewer

How to Be a Good Interviewer: 8 Practical Tips

Quality Candidates Make or Break an Interview

The Next Step: Get Ready to Interview Your Next Candidate

How to Be the Best Interviewer: FAQs


Why is Being a Good Interviewer Important?

Interviews are a cornerstone of the hiring process, whether conducted in person or digitally. How you conduct an interview significantly impacts the outcomes. A well-conducted job interview leaves a strong impression on candidates and is a critical factor in their decision to accept a job offer.
Consider These Statistics:
58% of job seekers declined a job offer due to a poor candidate experience.
Negative experiences with the interviewer and a disorganized interviewing process are major decision-making factors for applicants.
37% of job candidates leave a negative review after a single negative experience with an organization, while 61% leave a positive review after a positive experience.
The bottom line is that being an effective interviewer leads to more successful interviews, better hiring decisions, and fewer mis-hires.
The best part? Great interviewing skills can be developed with practice and the right tools.

The Qualities of a Good Interviewer

What sets a good interviewer apart? Here are the key qualities:
Active Listening and Conversational Skills: Engage with candidates by listening to their verbal and non-verbal messages, empathizing, and asking relevant follow-up questions.
A Calm, Relaxed, and Friendly Attitude: A calm demeanor and gentle eye contact help candidates feel comfortable, leading to a more genuine interaction.
An Organized and Methodical Approach: Strategic and organized actions prevent emotions from clouding judgment.
Questioning and Probing Skills: Know how to frame questions to elicit the necessary information while balancing challenges with support.
Decision-Making and Evaluation Skills: Assess candidates beyond their resumes, evaluating their potential and fit for the role.

How to Be a Good Interviewer: 8 Practical Tips

To excel as an interviewer, follow these essential tips:
Understand the Job Requirements and Responsibilities
Have a clear understanding of the role to assess candidates accurately.
Demonstrate your knowledge about the role to show respect for the candidate’s time.

Prepare Structured Interview Questions Based on the Role
Create a tailored list of questions for each candidate to facilitate comparison.
Focus on skill-based questions relevant to the role.

Create a Comfortable Environment for the Candidate
Communicate clearly about what to expect during the interview process.
Maintain a relaxed and friendly demeanor to put candidates at ease.

Use Active Listening and Ask Follow-Up Questions
Follow the 80-20 rule: listen 80% of the time and talk 20%.
Engage in active listening to understand candidates beyond their answers.

Evaluate Responses Based on Predefined, Standardized Criteria
Use objective metrics to rate and compare candidates fairly.
Collaborate with a colleague to maintain consistency and reduce bias.

Take Opportunities to Challenge the Candidate Respectfully
Ask open-ended questions to gauge the candidate's critical thinking and performance under pressure.
Respectfully challenge answers to gain deeper insights.

Allow the Candidate to Ask Questions
Encourage candidates to ask questions to understand their priorities and thought processes.
Address any hesitations and convince them of your organization’s fit.

Communicate Clearly About the Hiring Process and Follow-Up
Inform candidates about the stages and timeline of the hiring process.
Respectfully follow up with decisions to enhance their perception of your company.

Quality Candidates Make or Break an Interview

Effective interviewing starts with a quality pool of candidates. Hiring managers often face the challenge of sifting through numerous resumes. This is where talent assessment tools like HirewithEve come into play.
Leveraging HirewithEve
HirewithEve offers a comprehensive solution to streamline your talent assessment process. With a robust library of skills tests, you can create a shortlist of candidates who meet your role requirements.
This pre-interview assessment saves time and ensures you’re interviewing the best candidates.

The Next Step: Get Ready to Interview Your Next Candidate

Having strong interview skills is crucial for building an attractive employer brand and improving candidate experience. To set yourself up for success, plan and conduct your interviews effectively. Here are some final pointers:
Define your role requirements and prepare specific questions.
Use tools like HirewithEve to qualify candidates before interviews.
Do your homework on applicants and leave time between interviews for thorough notes.
Practice active listening to engage with candidates.
Communicate clearly to manage expectations and reduce stress.

How to Be the Best Interviewer: FAQs

What are the qualities of a good interviewer?
Active Listening and Conversational Skills
A Calm, Relaxed, and Friendly Attitude
An Organized and Methodical Approach
Questioning and Probing Skills
Decision-making and Evaluation Skills

How do you become a good interviewer?
Review the job description and candidate information beforehand.
Prepare structured interview questions tailored to the role.
Listen actively and treat the interview like a conversation.
Evaluate candidates fairly using a standard set of criteria.

What are 3 tips for a successful interview?
Understand the role and prepare relevant questions.
Actively listen and ask follow-up questions for deeper insights.
Encourage candidates to ask questions to understand their perspective.

What skills do interviewers need?
Active Listening
Conversational Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Time Management
Job Knowledge

How should an interviewer start an interview?
Greet the candidate warmly, offer a beverage, and engage in light small talk. Explain your company’s role and your position before diving into questions.


Mastering the art of interviewing is a journey that involves continuous improvement and the right tools. By following these guidelines and incorporating HirewithEve into your hiring process, you can enhance your interviewing skills, create a positive candidate experience, and make better hiring decisions. Start today and transform your interviews into a strategic advantage for your organization.
Ready to elevate your hiring process with HirewithEve?
Get started with our free forever plan to shortlist the best candidates for your interviews.

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